While walking past my garden I spotted one of my cats nestled among the marigolds. What a photos op! I sneaked past her & hurried into my house to grab my camera hoping she would still be there when I returned and she was! She was such a great little model posing so nice for me. She's obviously got something in her sights. To see the before image and a short explanation of my editing process click on "Read more" below.
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Here is the before image of Kitty in the marigolds. In Photoshop Lightroom I made minor adjustments by increasing exposure, clarity and contrast. The image had a bluish tint so I corrected the white balance. I then took the image into Photoshop cc where I cloned out the distracting background elements. Next I brightened up Kitty's eyes by selecting them and using a levels adjustment and a slight saturation adjustment. For the finishing touches I cropped the image and used OnOne's Perfect Effects to add a slight vignette.
Pretty neat seeing the original and comparing it to the finished product.