Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Hunger Games Sequel

I'm so excited... sounds like the hunger games sequel is gonna be shot in Atlanta! Not too far from home.

Sticky Albums

What a wonderful thing to offer clients...their own personal app with photos from their photoshoot!

What are Sticky albums?? 

"It is a custom mobile website that you can create for each of your clients.
They even save offline to your clients mobile device, so they can share them with no internet connection. You use stickyalbums.com on your computer to upload your custom branding elements, your contact information and the pictures you want to include in each album. When you are done – you get a custom link that you can simply email to your clients – and they can just as easily share with their friends and family"

You can visit them here:  http://www.stickyalbums.com

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kitty's Mystery Bite

Last evening my Kitty came inside acting kind of strange. No interest in her food and seemed very agitated with a noticeable limp. While snuggling with her on the sofa I noticed 2 little dots of blood on her left front leg.  Looked like puncture marks...a bite.  Off to the vet this a.m. A shot of antibiotics and ointment for her bite. Now she's on house confinement until she regains her super sleuth mobility. She's not a happy cat!  As you can see above, she really wants to go out.   We're not sure what bit her but hopefully she'll avoid whatever it was in the future! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Photoshoot with Heidi

Heidi really enjoys her playtime in the morning.  Here she is relaxing after playing ball and stretching her legs.  See more of Heidi's morning photo shoot on FACEBOOK

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Photographing the new arrivals at the Habersham Co. Animal Shelter in Clarkesville, GA

Yesterday was my day to photograph the new arrivals at the Habersham Co. Animal Shelter in Clarkesville, GA. I love to photograph the doggies, just wish it were under different circumstances.  Volunteers, Rhonda and her husband  Johnny,  brought the dogs out and I photographed them.  My hubby, Mark, worked hard at trying to get their attention.  It was a grand effort and hopefully the photos will help place them in loving homes.  In all we had 14 new dogs...this is in just this past week, very sad.  Spay and neuter laws are desperately needed here.  To see some of the dogs available for adoption Click Here

Wednesday, August 1, 2012